{"variable":"game_type","description":"What type of game this is. `REG` - A regular season game. `WC` - A wildcard playoff game. `DIV` - A divisional playoff game. `CON` - A conference championship game. `SB` - A Super Bowl."} {"variable":"week","description":"The numerical week the game takes place in. Continues incrementing after the regular season to each playoff round."} {"variable":"away_team","description":"The abbreviation of the away team in the game."} {"variable":"home_team","description":"The abbreviation of the home team in the game."} {"variable":"away_wins","description":"The number of times the away team has won the game."} {"variable":"home_wins","description":"The number of times the home team has won the game."} {"variable":"ties","description":"The number of times the game ended in a tie."} {"variable":"result","description":"The amount of points the home team won by (or lost by if negative). Is `0` for tied games."} {"variable":"games_played","description":"The number of times the game was played. For `game_type == 'REG'` this will equal the number of simulations. The number of playoff matchups will differ."} {"variable":"away_percentage","description":"The rate the away team won the game counting ties as half a win."} {"variable":"home_percentage","description":"The rate the home team won the game counting ties as half a win."}